May 9, 2008

In This 1940s Ad, An Overly Caffeinated Husband Introduces His Young, High-Heeled Wife To The Pleasures Of Spanking

If you lived in the 1940s, there were plenty of reasons for a husband to spank his housewife.  It could have been something as simple as her forgetting to iron his handkerchiefs so that the creases could be used to cut an inch-thick sirloin.  It also might have been something drastic, like her going over her weekly allowance of $2.00 because she was played penny mah-jong with the girls on Tuesday afternoon and lost.  Lost big.  To the tune of a quarter big.
Here, this 1940s husband is Teaching The Little Lady A Lesson because she failed to pour him a great big loving cup of "fresher coffee."  However, it seems as though the good folks at Chase & Sanborn felt compelled to add a wink-wink, nudge-nudge element to the scenario.  Note the housewife's sexy high heels, her peek-a-boo crinoline, her hair tossed alluringly as she receives the disciplinary slaps on her pert little bottom.
Also note the chair in which Big Hubby is seated.  No arms.  It isn't at the dining room table.  Is it just me, or could a couple of slaps on the rump of the pretty wife wind up as a wild game of Ride 'Em, Naughty Cowgirl Who Insists On Serving Her Husband Shitty Coffee?
Hooray for wives who don't do their marital duty of "store-testing"! 
And hooray for the All-American husbands who don't hesitate to take those wives over their knees and teach them a thing or two about the importance of making a good pot of coffee! 

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