January 2, 2011

Photos: Liebchen and The Count du Money (Linda Kolkena and Dan Broderick)

A note from Laura:
I have decided to republish my pieces about Betty Broderick in light of her continued incarceration.  I feel that my words, coupled with your words, are the only true justice Betty will see.  She deserves to have her story told.  Perhaps these truths will, in some measure, set her free.
January 4, 2017

A NEW piece about the Broderick case, in light of the Dirty John series:

Before Count du Money had Liebchen's teeth fixed, I'll bet.

Close Up: jankity teeth, fragrant lady bits, and a high school education.  Fired from Delta Airlines for vulgar language and even more vulgar behavior during a flight.  And this is what The Count destroys his family for?

I still want to smack the smug off of Dan's face.

It's tough when you look at photographs such as these, everyone looking so nice in their absolute finest, and such fun being had...knowing how terrible all three, Betty, Dan, and Linda, were being to each other all the while.  Three grown adults, obviously with much to offer the world and the resources to be as happy as they wanted to be, acting completely as children.

Neglecting the Broderick children.

What a mess all three of them made of their lives.  Two dead, one in prison.  What a completely ridiculous mess.

Like I said before: now all that is left are photographs.


  1. I will never feel sorry for Kim or for Danny Jr., who are both exactly like dear old dad. remember, Kim was really close to Linda, they bonded over Kim's abortion, Kim knew exactly who to ask when Kim needed one when it came to the doctor, how much, etc. There's a place in hell for both of them for refusing to stand by their mom, now that they are adults and know what dear old dad and the dutch slut did to her. Nope, Kim and Danny are anything but victims.

    1. Anonymous02 May, 2017

      Yes, I completely agree with you. How can Kim and Danny Jr subject their Mom to such degrading treatment, after knowing the facts of how their father treated her. They are despicable!!

    2. How could you make such a comment? We're talking about four children who had their father taken away from them by their mother. They didn't just lose one parent... they lost both of their parents. You cannot judge these kids for the decisions they made after going through such a tragic and traumatic event in their lives. We have no clue what they went through or what happened behind closed doors in that family. If they aren't standing by their mother that's their decision and their business and only their business.

    3. Sounds like the prison warden needs to be checking his facility internet usage. It’s obvious Betty Broderick is writing these supportive comments under fake profiles. No one in their right mind would support that fat murderous pig!!!!

    4. Char, And it sounds like you need to do research because Betty doesn't need to write supportive comments under fake names, the woman actually has a lot of support due to the fact that Dan and Linda behaved like terrible people who stupidly tormenting and provoked Betty despite knowing that she was severely mentally unstable. She has so much support that the tribute section on Dan and Linda's pages on the Find A Grave site were disabled because of abuse, that never happens to a murder victim unless they are getting an overwhelming amount of hateful comments which also doesn't happen unless there are a lot of people who believe they were a horrible person in life.

      PS: Calling Betty a fat pig (which is incredibly disrespectful to people who are her size) does not reflect badly on Betty, only you. It is possible to insult an overweight person even one who is a cold blooded murderer without resorting to body shaming.

    5. Considering its 2020 and there's a new show out about this, I wonder what these commenters think now. A. Everyone has a right to their own opinion! When are people going to stop saying stuff like " How can you THINK that " and Linda the home wrecker, well I have NO pity for her she got what she deserved!

    6. Anonymous25 June, 2020

      Betty, wrecked here whole family's life. And she is where she belongs! She had no right to murder anyone!!! Many ladies have gone through divorces like hers and they dont commit murder! She was getting alot of alimony support. She could have went on with her life and maybe met someone else. I dont blame her poor kids for not wanting to be a part of her life! When she killed their father she pretty well said, my hatred towards Dan is more important than my relationship with my kids. So all of the end of her family life was all her fault!

    7. Betty wrecked her whole family's life ? Uh no.
      Dan did that when he started screwing Linda while still married. And Linda knew exactly what she was doing. Padding her bank account.

    8. I watched movie, I understood Linda was home wrecker. She shouldn't keep continue relationship with married man, who has 4 kids. Betty could go on her new life but she couldn't enough strong mentally. They drive her to become Crazy! I blame Linda so much. I blame Betty too.. she shouldn't kill them, but there was not her fault cause of she became Crazy, cause of they have been drive her become Crazy! If Betty weee strong for mentally dhe could go on her new life find new guy who adore her or be happy by herself with her 4 kids. She could enjoy her life with her kids and her families who have been loving her... She shouldn't stay in jail life time. She needs go yo Mental Hospital, get some treatments for all of her tragic life and get well, go home. Live her life peacefully with her kids and grandkids. She is enough old now. No need any man in her life anymore. So be happy herself with her kids and grandkids. In my opinion there is to much punishment on her lifetime serving in jail. You should think about how much punishment did Linda and Dan on her life when they were in life.. So... We can not blame yo Betty %%100 guilty. She is only %50 guilty. She needs start treatment ASAP! and try to get well ASAP! snd she needs get out from jail ASAP!

  2. You'll get no argument from me about Danny and Kim. For what it's worth, a simple Google search will show you Danny with his bride. How much she looks like Linda Kolkena will boggle your mind. It's actually kinda creepy.

    1. I saw the photo of Dan Jr. & his bride who I don't think looks like Linda Kolkena at all - except for they're both very pretty. You can nitpick Linda for her teeth but there's no question she was gorgeous & OBVIOUSLY Dan didn't have a problem with her imperfect teeth. I think you sound ridiculous talking about Linda's vaginal odor - I don't believe it for a second. The ONLY reason a woman would have an odor such as you're referring to would be if she had a bacterial infection - do you REALLY think a woman as put together as Linda, as much money as they had would not have EASILY had it treated??? Do you REALLY think Linda wouldn't have realized it - or that Dan wouldn't have minded, give me a break!! You are so immature and stupid to perpetuate such silliness. Dan was not attracted to Betty anymore and here comes this beautiful, fun young woman, geez, which would YOU pick, your miserable, nagging wife or the hot thing you actually have a GOOD time with, not fighting constantly with?? Just because morally it's not right to start sleeping with someone else when you're married doesn't mean it doesn't happen EVERY day and more importantly, people can't help how they feel. Betty is very smart about a lot of things except for the dynamics of romantic relationships, once somebody loses their desire for you, you can't beat them back into it, and calling their new lover every name in the book ONLY makes you look jealous and desperate. When someone is in love (which Dan CLEARLY was) it doesn't matter what anyone says about them. Betty was a joke to Dan & Linda because it was obvious she wasn't going to be moving on with her life, who the HELL would want to date Betty, and treat her like Dan treated Linda - that would never have happened for Betty and I'm sure deep down Betty knew it. That's a "tough pill to swallow" and there's no upside to any of this except that at least Daniel IV found a pretty wife (who doesn't look like Linda, but even if she DID, what's your problem with men wanting a pretty wife? MOST men do, but not all men can get one) & is successful in his career.

    2. Betty was actually more beautiful in her youth than that snaggletoothed Linda. The truth of the matter is that two slime balls are gone due to being ruthlessly murdered for being ugly and malicious to one another. There are no winners here. Dan did pursue divorce as is everyone’s right to do, but he selfishly didn’t want to pay what he should have. He didn’t think of his beloved children either or their worth. All he thought of was the new vagina he had bagged. Well, it cost him his life for being so greedy. When he peacefully could have worked it out with his ex. Cheaters never win.

    3. Betty should be set free. She has done her time. Even though I wish she had not done any. Can you imagine she was only getting 16K a month when Dan was bringing in 200k a month. What a jackpot for the little whore Linda. And the fine system Dan instilled would have driven anyone insane. Why would Linda's voice be on the answering machine. Why did they constantly provoke her. They got what they deserved. I also believe that she is still in jail because of her awful two kids Kim and Danny. Kim thinks she was so close to her father. Believe me when Linda would have started having kids with Dan Kim would have been tossed aside. Kim is a little bitch and Dan jr is just like his father

    4. Agreed. Moral of the story? Leave married men alone. Linda should have stuck to humping cuztomers in airplane bathrooms. She was a vile human.

    5. Thank you! They truly got what they deserved. Bette should have been smarter whe could have had half Dan's income he clearly provoked her , funny NO ONE ever think s about how this would have been had it been her who had the money and the affair. Rare back then but there were celebrities -female singers like Loretta Lynn with all the kids she had, -did she stay with her husband for love or because he would try to take half her money and kill her? There are certainly women now who are the breadwinners..what about in France where it used to be a crime of passion to kill your lover-a husband of 16 years and 4 kids-its too bad she didn't hire a private eye and catch them in the act, he'd have had to give Bette everything but if she caught them in the act and killed them, well some might call that temporary insanity here at LEAST. In France -for sure a crime of passion! To Betty it was as if she walked in on her husband every time she was hit with the reality of what happened, I really don't see how one could take this " like an adult " and just be okay with it, she did what anyone with feeling would have done-I can say for myself-I would have been smarter but no way would he have gotten my kids and left me with chump change!

    6. It’s nice to see that so many people are as disgusted by the horse-faced (or should I say whorse-faced? Lol) bimbo as I am. Danny boy was no cutie either- he’s like an over-the-hill Harry Potter. And I read that he had a nose job...damn...I can’t imagine how huge it was prior to that bc it’s quite the schnoz in the pics with Linda.
      I don’t feel any sympathy for either Dan or Linda. I think I may write to Betty to let her know how much support she has in 2020.

    7. This case haunts me. I see both sides, and I feel 100% bad for the children. Also, those saying she received 16k a month don't understand that even though that's HUGE sum, the house she lived in was under Dan's name. He bought it prior to the divorce. So the money he paid her each month to live there was going right back in his pocket. Also, from the Epstien credits of doing so prior to separation it was deducted from what she should have received as a settlement. She didn't pay his way through college, but she supported the family the whole time. Taking whatever jobs she could to make it fit around his schedule and taking care of the children all the while. He calculated that divorce and used his skills he learned off of her graciousness to work against her. You should never kill anyone obviously, but they sure didn't see what it was doing to her. If Linda made attempts, and it would take more than 1 of course to put herself in Betty's shoes. To mend anything it would have worked. She should have told Dan to offer more support. Since there was none of that, and only selfish mind-sets from all... you end up dead or in jail. A lesson for the ages.

  3. Dan broderick was just a piece of patriarchal Irish American Catholic trash. He wanted a wife he could boss around, the way that his father bossed his wife around, and bossed his sisters around. Betty wouldn't be bossed, even as deferential as she was to the "Count du Money" throughout the marriage. (Please never stop using that name, every time it makes you cringe and really shows Dan Broderick for who he was) So he went out and got himself someone young enough to be his daughter, someone who wyould be completely dependent on him for money, car, job, home, etc., someone who would never cross him because of that. Did Linda Kolkena have any opinions at all? Did she have likes and dislikes? What we now of her, the only things she liked were things that Dan liked, and that is what Dan liked the most about her. He was an Irish Catholic prick who needed to be king. How sad for him, that Betty would not be controlled, right up to the minute when she unloaded that .38 in his perfect bedroom.

    1. Interesting bits upon a re-read of Until The Twelfth Of Never (and thank God for Bella Stumbo for giving us what is pretty much The Bible when it comes to this case): Dan Broderick played games with Betty's alimony all of the time. He refused to send the support check on the same day every month, so Betty could plan her bills and budget accordingly. How he got away with this is beyond me, but then again, The Count Du Money was prez of the bar association, after all. Friends in high places.

      Also, Dan Broderick apparently had a number of drunk-driving arrests. This fact was included in an official (although rambling) letter to Dan about her support payments, so I will assume that it is the truth.

      Nice guy, Dan Broderick. I think he was the one who was mentally ill. And this was Linda Kolkena's knight in shining armor? The poor girl must have needed glasses.

    2. omg - the mentally ill MILLIONAIRE with both medical and law degrees, the President of the San Diego Bar Assn. - and what's YOUR resume lady? lol!!

    3. I'm not a doctor and I'm not a lawyer. I do, however, believe in treating people the way I would like to be treated, and I certainly would have had more respect for Betty as the mother of Dan's children than The Count ever did.

    4. Well said. Mia Irons may be impressed with diplomas and lack of moral character but that’s exactly what got Dan and his home wrecker killed.

    5. Anonymous05 July, 2020

      One of my friends has husband who is aerospace engineer for Boeing. He has some crazy high IQ and got perfect score on SAT at age 12. Anyway she says that he has no common sense and doesn't know how to deal with human emotion. It's like that part of his psyche never developed. Reminds me of this Dan Broderick, only he had evil streak to boot.

  4. Wow, Linda looks really young in these photos, doesn't she?

    I can't exactly condemn Kim and Danny, Jr. for not standing by their mother. She did murder their father and that has to be excruciating on the children.

  5. She was very young. And the older I get, the more I am struck by just how young she was when she got herself involved in the whole Broderick mess. I will never understand Linda Kolkena. For all of her apparent shortcomings, she could have done much, much better.

    1. I beg to differ. Her dental work rivaled none other than Snaggletooth and she could eat corn quite easily through a picket fence had The Count du Money not slithered by yonder.

    2. Anonymous30 July, 2023

      I don't think she could have done much better considering her lack of education, past, and moral character. Have you ever heard that water seeks its on level. Dan and Linda were one together. That's why they were worked so well against Betty. The only credit I can give to Linda is that she was young, ruthless, impressionable, and a go-getter. She played up to Dan and what he did to Betty. But she knew what she was doing.

  6. I've never seen those pictures before. They must have been taken at the beginning of their affair, because both Dan and Linda look very young. I assume Dan was still married to Betty at the time these pictures were taken...God, what pigs Dan and Linda were, to flaunt their affair like that.

    1. And now they're dead; good! I'm only sorry that Betty has had to suffer over their demise for all these years. I watched my mother's heartache over my father's serial infidelities for years, which is one of the reasons why I was unable to maintain any of my loving relationships when I became an adult. I hope Dan suffered during his final living moments, and I hope he realized that Linda was dead.

    2. Me too! And I hope Betty looked her in the eye and smiled

    3. Dan didn’t love Linda. Dan only loved Dan.

  7. LK, you bagged your sugar daddy. DB you kept your money and dumped the unwanted wife. I am sure you are now both looking back on a job well done? No? Too bad.
    All I can think whenever I see pics of this pair is "pretty ugly", I'm afraid. Anything Kolkena had in the way of looks was negated by her actions, in my book.

    1. Some years back, Kolkena's sister had a blog of remembrance for her whore sister and was attempting to put sister whore in a better light with the public, to no avail. She wanted the hate to stop, but it only intensified tenfold, so she threw her hands up and said "later with this mess!"

  8. Linda looks pretty trashy to me. Even with all of "Count Du Money's" money at her disposal, her cheapness and lack of allure is very evident. I'll never understand those who say she looked like a younger version of Betty - Linda couldnt hold a candle to her even on her best day.

    1. In Bella's book, there was a photo of Betty hold Kim, posing her right profile - she was so beautiful. I have yet to see a photo of Linda where I can say "wow", but that photo with Kim - reminded me of Heidi Klum.

    2. I agree with the anonymous poster from 17 March, 2013. Linda couldn't compete with Betty in the looks department. A paralegal? Linda looked like she should be serving beer in a bar. Maybe that's why Danny-boy liked her so much - she looked like a barmaid.

    3. I have to agree Linda was not anything close to being a beauty. She was plain looking whereas Betty was beautiful even after she gained weight. Alcoholism, and the male need for more sexual stimulation at a certain age, emotional callousness, and a downright mean personality all factored into Dan leaving his wife, and putting his children through that to be with the new more stimulating woman.

  9. Linda used to have a camel bump on her nose. Looks like she had it removed after she met Dan.

  10. Being this blog is pro-Betty, I would like to share a recent experience. My son asked me to drive a group of boys to a paint ball park in Corona. As I was near my destination - I saw a sign that says Women's Correctional. Evidently, this is where Betty is at. As I drove by the facility, I slowed to a crawl and just took in the sight. Know what? I felt peaceful and satisfied that even though Betty is imprisoned, she is in a very nice facility. No solid walls, just tall fences. It actually looked more like a private institution than a prison. It is surrounded by greenery and farms. To the north, the view of the San Bernardino snow capped mountains is beautiful. It feels satisfying to me knowing that this is what Betty sees. Even if the biased justice system still controlled by the San Diego law assoc., I am at peace knowing that Betty wakes up every day and is able to enjoy the fragrance from the nearby farms, feeling the same peace I felt.

    1. I just want to be clear on something: I personally will never condone Betty's murders. I may understand that she was driven to it by two incredibly mean individuals who paid for their acts with their lives, but I do not, will not, and will never condone solving a problem with a handgun (or any other violent acts).

    2. Be that as it may, Laura, but what has stuck in my craw is did Dan's secretary testify for Bette after she quit when whore kolkena was hired making more money and not even basic typing skills.

  11. I just finished reading Bella Stumbo's book on the Brodericks, and I have to say that it just makes my blood boil when I think about how Betty's so-called friends from her marriage to Dan became eager witnesses for the prosecution during both trials. Special mention must be given to that pathetic couple Brian and Gail Forbes, the Medusa-like Patti Monahan, and the hideous Helen Pickard.
    Another thing that bothered me was how the Broderick women were held in such low regard by the men in their family. I couldn't believe what they were called - "the yucks - too wet to step on and too low to kick". How could they tolerate such disrespect? If I were Betty I would have slapped the daylights out of Dan the first time he referred to me in that way.

  12. Is the "count" from "Count du Money" pronounced as if it were the count half of "country"? Sorry, couldn't resist asking ;)

    "Liebchen" started to resemble a grinning Hyena more and more as time went on, no? Pretty? No. Not attractive at all.

  13. Strange that they used "Liebchen"... that is not Dutch, it's actually German. Maybe Linda's family was from the Southeast corner of the Netherlands where the language is mixed German/Dutch.

    1. I always just chalked it up to Dan not giving a hot damn about Linda's Dutch heritage. Remember, he also referred to her as "Little One," which I personally find rather demeaning.

  14. I think it is important to remember that these are old photos. I have the same big 80's hir and over the top make up in some of my own. While I don't think she was drop dead gorgeous, there must have been something about her that men found attractive. Betty is also described as being beautiful and as close to perfect as a woman could get, and I don't see that from all of her photos, either.

  15. Anonymous10 June, 2013

    Linda looks very different from photo to photo. Those pictures of her with Dan at some dance or other, the ones where she's wearing a long-sleeved, very shiny dress...in those both her teeth and nose are huge, her long hair ratty and wild. But in the black and white photos on this page she looked entirely different: teeth smaller, nose smaller, hair still big but much more styled. She most definitely had work done, no doubt to please her Lord and Master, Dan Broderick.

  16. Hi, I just found your blog and LOVE it! I used to think that Betty was a crazy, old, jealous bat who killed her ex and his new love BUT now, I see things much different. I just ordered "Until the twelfth of never" and only put it down to message you! Feel special don't ya :) Anyway I found this link to many pics of Danny and Megans Wedding. Hope you don't mind me posting the link. http://insideweddings.com/real-weddings/megan-cooper-dan-broderick?tab=story

  17. Anonymous23 June, 2013

    I hope Uncle Larry choked on his piece of wedding cake.

    1. Larry is such an asshole.

    2. Larry should have checked, fell to the floor and rolled all the way to jail.
      Ps Larry should have kissed Betty's ass.

  18. Please don't anybody think Betty is crazy or old or jealous, or any other negative! I'm in my eighth year of walking in her (pre-criminal) shoes, and I can attest that the pain is UNBEARABLE in the first years. If there had been any way to escape that pain, I would have done it! And I think anybody else would do so as well. Some combination of genetics and life experiences had made me a long-view type person, and murder was never a consideration. Not because I'm more ethical than Betty Broderick, or stronger in character, but because I could see that murder would not end the pain. Even with them dead, I'd want to dig their bodies back up and kill them all over, again and again! :)

    I view Betty with great, great compassion.

  19. Kim Broderick's FB page contains a wealth of interesting stuff. First, you get to see the "peachy to-die-for" prom dress Betty bought for Kim when Dan was too cheap to pony up a proper amount of money for princess. There are photos of the siblings posing by his grave, along with what would have been Dan's grandchildren. There is a photo with Betty, Kim, and Kim's daughters. Betty looks great in that photo, BTW. There is also a picture of the family outside of the murder house and someone is dressed in some sort of animal costume. No idea what that about. Kim also posted Dan's high school graduation photo and everyone commented about how handsome he was and how much the boys look like him. Danny's wife looks exactly like Linda Kolkena, by the way; otherwise, judging from Kim's FB, Linda never existed. There is no photo of her, no memory of her to be found. Unless, of course, you count the "cabo chicks," Kim took a trip to Cabo with some friends and you can't help but remember Linda's fondness for the place.

    1. Wow! You weren't kidding! The photo with all four children and what looks like Betty's parents: I'll bet that's from the party in Beverly Hills where Betty said that (paraphrasing) "Lee got gorgeous, perfect black dress, etc." Remarkable. Just...remarkable. I absolutely cannot believe how they do not acknowledge Linda at all. Plenty of crying over how "handsome" teenaged Dan supposedly was. So full of promise. So full of meanness, too, for the mother of his children, even before he got hungry for Linda's tuna salad for lunch every day at a cheap nearby hotel or her Dan-subsidized condo in Ocean Beach.

      Again, WOW.

  20. I love your blog. I have always been touched by Betty and her story. Even the ones slanted against her, I couldn't see the crazy killer. I read until the 12th of never, I had to stop and cry often. So much time passed from separating to the killings, of course she snapped. Bravo she killed the right people, others hurt the kids or themselves when driven over the edge. It makes me sick that a female was ok with stepping into another woman's life so heartlessly. Disgusting

    1. It makes me sick that you would say "Bravo" to any cold-blooded murder. We can all find reasons to murder.

  21. Despite Dan & Linda's blatant infidelity & hurtful actions they did not deserve to be murder victims slaughtered in their sleep. Betty should have taken the money, a young handsome lover & had the time of her life. In my opinion Dan, Linda & Betty were all self absorbed, haughty & materialistic bimbos. RIP in the cemetary & prison. No Remorse.

  22. The whole Broderick afair makes me so thankful for my family especially my father who was married to my mom for almost 50 years before he passed away. The man never said one word that was negative about my mom! Never he also treated all people with respect and kindness and would never beat our dog or any animal.

  23. I saw the movie several times, and I read the book. I think there was a lot of crap slinging amongst all three of them. I'll never understand why Betty didn't take the gorgeous home on the ocean he bought her and whatever alimony he offered her. Sure she wasn't getting her fair share, but my goodness, it would've put her in a very nice lifestyle and never have had to work another day in her life. Sometimes ya just gotta suck it up and move on. I've been a court reporter for 30 years, so I've seen my fair share of divorces when someone gets the shaft. They're furious, but they don't go over to their ex's house at night and blow them away while they sleep. Really the thing I find the most irony in, is if Dan hasn't been such a narcissistic prick, an alarm system would've saved their lives. He wasn't going to let Betty make him get an alarm system. He could handle her. Well, here we are. Very tragic.

    1. Anonymous26 June, 2018

      I got the impression (reading the books on the case) DB was working his way towards leaving Betty with nothing. She (thanks to him) could not get decent legal representation, and he was playing fast and loose with existing arrangments re paying her maintenance costs.

    2. It isn't true that she "couldn't" get decent legal representation, and certainly not "thanks to him." She would not cooperate with any of her divorce attorneys, she fired them all, and then went into divorce court representing herself *by her own choice.* She did this because she didn't want an attorney interrogating Dan---she wanted to personally interrogate him herself. She was nuts.

    3. Dan did have an alarm system. But it was broken due to Betty driving her car through his front door. According to reports. The only problem with that I have? Supposedly she drove the car into his house after receiving one of his "I'm thinking of sending you to jail for contempt" letters. But that happened Before he married his side piece. Who in any event, didnt deserve to die in Her bed. Or should I say Dan's bed? Cause he never really thought of his wives as partners in marriage did he? They were Accessories to him! In any event, he had security at his wedding but didnt immediately get the alarm system back up? That tells me all I need to know about Dan B. He thought he was smarter and more important than the women he married. He was a miserly (to his family at least), and narcissistic little boy. But Betty did NOT put her kids first either! She used them as pawns against their Dad. The adults in this awful story are awful. It's the children I feel for. I hope those shots were worth making orphans of her kids. I'm sure she would be clueless if asked. Just like Dan and Linda were clueless that their affair also hurt the kids.

  24. What a lot of people don't know is that Dan Brodericks family tried to steal the money left for hid children Dan also disinherited Lee bc she refused to badmouth Betty ..great father he was..sadly looks like all the judges and legal community still sticking bybthat POS Dan Broderick For shame San Diego Bar��

  25. The main thing I still can't wrap my brain around is how Larry's EX-WIFE got custody of the two boys. HOW does that happen? Brodericks are a very large family, as are the Bisceglias. All those blood relatives, and nobody was willing to take the boys? What about good ole "Uncle Larry" himself -- he didn't want them? Couldn't take care of them? Unfit to? WHAT!? What the hell would prompt the courts to award custody/guardianship to his FORMER wife?

    Or was this some kind of "deal" worked out between Larry and his ex-wife -- like she takes the boys and receives the money for caring for them so he doesn't have to pay her alimony?! Something STINKS about this story.

    1. Anonymous26 June, 2018

      Larry tried to cash in on Linda Kolkena's life insurance. On the grounds that she died first, so hers would be paid out to Dan. Who died next, resulting in Larry trying to become main beneficiary. I'm not sure how successful he was. I know Linda Kolkena's family received a payout. Better them than Larry Broderick, at any rate.

  26. "Jankity teeth"? I love it!

  27. I am always interested in this story. Court tv is showing the trial. I am torn between right and wrong, but I just always go back to the law of reaping and sowing. I spoke to Rhett a couple of years ago and I am very proud of him. He is a fine young man. He has integrity and a heart filled with compassion. He must have worked really hard to overcome all that was set upon his shoulders as a child. Love and prayers to all of the family.��

  28. Anonymous06 May, 2020

    I cannot believe so many on here defend Betty. Although Dan did not seem like a great husband, I read that their marriage was rocky from the start. He definitely should have behaved better through the divorce, but she was surely not making things any easier either. As it is a time of a pandemic, I have been watching the trial. The voicemails she left were absurd and speaking to her young child for almost an hour swearing and saying degrading things is nothing but insane. Betty was way off her rocker no matter what anyone says about Dan's behavior. The lady really needed psychological help. No one deserves to be shot dead while they are sleeping. No one.

    1. She never should have spoken to her child that way absolutely..but I also look at the pain betty must have felt..to dedicate your life to your husband's success and then to be traded in for a newer model after years of an affair that was rubbed in her face..along with Linda and Dan constantly saying and doing horrible things..all the illegal shit Dan got away with doing to Betty in the courts because of who he was..I can see how one would snap and lose it. I don't condone it..but I can understand how she got there. She should have fought harder..took his money and lived her best life..Dan and Linda would have split in no time..hell Linda was still sleeping with her ex Steve right up to her wedding from what I have read. Linda wanted to win and she wanted that lifestyle. She was known for going after men with money married or not evidently..did they deserve to die..no way. And Betty should do her time..but I don't think she is now a danger to society..I wouldn't be scared to live by her. The whole situation was a ticking time bomb. I do wish that Dan and Linda were still alive. The best revenge is to be better without them..Dan messed with her head too during the separation sending her flowers and shit telling her they might have a chance to work on it from what a friend told me..if its true..I cant imagine they'd lie about that.

  29. Anonymous25 June, 2020

    Betty Broderick is a murderer! Many ladies have gone through same situation and they don't take lives. I don't blame her kids for not wanting anything to do with her. She obviously put her anger and resentment towards Dan more important than her life and children and she deserves to be where she is.

  30. Anonymous10 July, 2020

    laura linger you are a very jealous woman. you are ugly as sin and its plain hypocrisy for you to be judging another female's flaws given that you look like a short fat forest troll and are grossly unattractive.
    In fact you're so unattractive that your flaws are more appropriately described as genetic errors causing major disadvantage to appearance. Your imperfections aren't minor and cannot be narrowed down to a single defect. your blind rage at better looking women is very obviously rooted in your own accurate perception of yourself as physically unattractive. That's YOUR problem. And it shows.

    1. Anonymous18 July, 2020

      Obviously, you're related to the cheating SOB...
      Post us pro-Betties a picture of yourself so we can disect it as well.
      Betty was mentally abused severely for years! They knew she would snap one day!
      Dan and Linda were very ugly people in the way they lived there lives, UGLY, SMELLY,JACKED UP TEETH, UGLY!!!
      They got what they asked for,a first class ticket ride in a pine box!

    2. Is that you Maggie Kolkena? i would not describe Laura as jealous, insecure or an ugly troll. Your description best fits Linda.

  31. In the Bella Stumbo book it said that when the shooting starting, Dan did not lunge towards his young bride. He tried to cover. .DAN. Now I realize that in the confusion and panic of the moment his instinct was for self-preservation but still... Put bluntly.. every man for himself. I'm sure glad "Liebchen" never knew that this was the guy she threw away her life for.

  32. https://www.change.org/Betty_Broderick_Parole

  33. https://www.change.org/Betty_Broderick_Parole

    Sign and share please

  34. Anonymous02 June, 2021

    My comments will be based on the series I just finished watching, the discussion here, and a read through of Wikipedia...yeah, I know. However:
    I could not fault the children if they want nothing to do with their incarcerated mother. She murdered their father. She MURDERED. THEIR. FATHER. It may have been awful for what he put his wife through, but many women have been through far worse (with a lot less money) and did not resort to snuffing out lives, innocent or otherwise. His choices led to his losing his life, but it does NOT justify Betty murdering him or anyone else for that matter. I hope to see the day we're all nicer to each other. It's hard to kill hope, or at least it really is with me. 314

  35. I was married to a Dan Broderick except his name was Barry and not as rich. But I did work my self to death while he pursued his career and I raised our two children by myself while he traveled for his career. His Linda was named Theresa she's a drunk to this day she's a coke head so is Barry though. Barry let his worthless Hatefilled ho destroy my beautiful family . Barry let Theresa turn my kids against me. My son never betrayed me but my daughter did because Barry was allowed by Theresa Gates to pay my daughters credit cards off if she had nothing to do with me. My daughter went to live with them she dropped out of high school my son stayed with me he was on A honor rolls and he graduated from high school. To this day Barry's ho tells people she raised my children. This devil has do e alot to make me want to kill them both but I never did of course. But when Betty killed I understood completely why. Barry also never paid me child support Barry never kept health insurance on 5he kids lime the divorce decree stated. There is a special place in HELL for Theresa's and Linda's Barry's and Dan's.

  36. I have sympathy for Betty. Dan was an ungrateful pig and Linda was a whore. Dan never should have left Betty for a younger woman, especially after everything Betty did for him. She gave him her life and he spit on her, forgetting about the younger days of their marriage that brought them success. Them, and not just him.

  37. The other day I was watching Dirty John the Betty Broderick story and I was thinking of Linda's name and I thought omg
    If you rearrange the letters of Linda you get
    Danil. It's just like Daniel. So Danny boy and Linda (Danil) pronounced just like Daniel. Had even more in common. They both tortured Betty eith their cruel mind games. So Linda was Danil aka Daniel too.
