November 4, 2008

Sure To Be A Hit On Any Family Thanksgiving Table

Unsure as to the date on this one.  I smell the distinct aroma of the 70s, though: a heady mix of marijuana, Charlie, strawberry incense, and Clairol's Psssssst! dry shampoo.

And it can double as your centerpiece!  Handy!


  1. I just have to comment how entertaining your blog is! I think I remember this ad--although in my region Best's is known as Hellman's. I have become obsessed with a few sites linked to this one with vintage stuff--my husband comes in while I'm on the computer and syas, "are you looking at retro stuff AGAIN?"

  2. that photo gave me a stomach ache.

  3. Life: your comment made my week. :-)

    Doug: so you're saying that you DON'T want me to send you a couple of cheesy cones as a wedding gift?

  4. My doctor told me to lose weight. These old food photos are great for killing an appetite.

  5. Oh my Lord ... the spouse of one of my co-workers (I had written "one of my co-worker's spouses," but I didn't want to give you the impression that I worked with polygamists) makes this every holiday for our office. He uses almonds on top. It's rather addictive, I must confess ...
