April 2, 2010

Friday Feline Finale: The Biggest Whore Of Them All

He's known by one name only: Morris.

And in 1985...

And one without a date, but it looks like the 1980s-era Morris.

Drop this hot slut a line at his Twitter account.


  1. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to follow any poseur Morris on Twitter--only the ORIGINAL Morris (with the ORIGINAL voice) will do. I loved that cat--he was a marvel of ad agency genius!

  2. True Christine! Morris was an original - all others are pale comparisons.

    The 70s ad's were the best - today they're just boring!

  3. Morris could kick Garfield's ass if he only bothered to.

  4. Yes, but the second commercial with the 80s Morris always makes me laugh: "I thought she was dead."
